Dear Luke and Team,
We can hardly put into words what a blessing it was for us to once again visit the National Scoliosis Center and receive a brace for Lizzy. From the moment we stepped into the clinic, we felt all the joy, warmth, and genuine concern for Lizzy’s wellbeing that we have come to associate with the NSC. You never fail to go about your business with the utmost care and precision, but above all, you show truly remarkable patience with someone who is incredibly difficult to fit! We want to assure you once again what a great impression you continue to make upon us. Every member of the team conducts themselves with a contagious consideration that goes far beyond mere excellent patient care. We truly look forward to coming there every time, and we leave knowing we have received the very best care for our daughter that we could possibly get.
Blessings upon Luke and the entire team for doing such a wonderful job in every single aspect of care. In our minds, you truly set the standard, not only in the field but in the entire medical profession!
Thank you once again for the beautiful brace, and also for the wonderful touch of giving Lizzy’s little friend a brace as well! What a joy.
We are blessed to be your patients and continue to wish every success upon the entire clinic.