Schroth-Certified Therapy

Specialized scoliosis physical therapy

National Scoliosis Center collaborates with area Schroth physical therapists. The Schroth Method of physical therapy uses exercises tailored specifically to a patient’s specific curve as a non-surgical option for treatment. Therapists trained in this method aim to guide patients through techniques focusing on breathing, rebuilding muscular symmetry, posture awareness, and education.

The Schroth Method can benefit patients of all ages and with varying degrees of curvature. We recommend early intervention with the first postural correction addressing the pelvis. Those corrections are then built upon with the goal of elongation and de-rotation through breathing and exercises. As the corrected posture is learned, it is integrated into daily activities. With continued practice at both the center and home, patients develop the strength and endurance to maintain the corrected posture. Studies cited by the Scoliosis Research Society indicate some promising results of this type of Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercise. In addition, the National Center for Biotechnology as well as the Scoliosis Journal cites research indicating increased muscle endurance and positive effects on quality of life for patients using the Schroth Method.

Adult patients can benefit from Schroth therapy as well, while generally at a slower rate due to potentially prolonged incorrect movement patterns, rigidity, and possible additional orthopedic changes. The goal for adults is to reduce pain, increase flexibility, and improve movement patterns.

Schroth physical therapy will include a comprehensive evaluation, development of a treatment plan, hands-on instruction, and creation of a home exercise program.

The goals of this program are:

  • Increased understanding of scoliosis
  • Comprehensive home exercise program
  • Improved balance in muscles
  • Decreased back asymmetry
  • Decreased forces on the spine that influence the progression of the curve
  • Decreased pain
  • Increased lung function (if appropriate)
  • Decreased stress or pressure on internal organs
  • Re-program the body/mind to what is correct posture

Read more about Schroth Physical Therapy here.

Looking for a Schroth Physical Therapist?
Here are some resources:

Search by state: BSPTS-North America Physical Therapists Directory – United States

Caroline Campesi and Eric Campesi –
[email protected] – 703-345-2214
[email protected] – 703-345-2214
Fairfax, VA (Inside National Scoliosis Center) – Schroth DC

Allison Greaney – [email protected] – 410-616-7755 for scheduling
Baltimore, MD – Johns Hopkins

Peiting Lien – [email protected] – 410-616-7755 for scheduling
Baltimore, MD – Johns Hopkins

Downey Hinrichs – [email protected]
Annapolis, MD – Capital Area Scoliosis

Neena Petersen – [email protected] – 240-712-8697
Severna Park, MD – Peak Balance Physical Therapy

Brittany Hunt – c[email protected] – 980-332-8060
Charlotte, NC – Charlotte Scoliosis Clinic

Lisa Mangino – [email protected] – 919-932-7266
Chapel Hill, NC – Advance Physical Therapy

Andrea Yaktus – [email protected] – 610-620-4695
Chester Springs, PA – Centered Physical Therapy

Rachel Clay – [email protected] – 314-744-9264
Saint Louis, MO –  Clay Scoliosis Clinic