These X-rays show the impressive results an 8-year-old boy named Berkley has achieved using the Rigo Cheneau brace to treat his idiopathic scoliosis. You can see the improvement as his current in-brace X-ray shows only 11 and 10-degree curves. He is an excellent example of how growth-guided correction works. As Berkley grows, the properly fitted Rigo Cheneau brace guides and corrects his curves. “We see this happen with some frequency in our patient population and makes for a promising outcome,” says Luke Stikeleather, Chief Orthotist.

His curve was first caught by his father, a physician, when Berkley was three years old – he could visibly see the curve in his son’s back. At the initial diagnosis, his curves were 41 and 36 degrees, and he was put into a cylinder-like brace called a Boston brace. After a year, Berkley and his family saw no correction in the Boston brace and decided to seek out different options. They found us, National Scoliosis Center, made the trip from their home in Canada to our office in Virginia, met with Luke, and were fitted with a customized Rigo Cheneau style brace. Recently, Berkley paid us another visit to get fitted for his third brace to accommodate his growth and continue to assist with the growth-guided correction.
From the minute we walked in the door [of National Scoliosis Center], it was a phenomenal experience. Everyone was super positive. Luke and his team are sweet, gentle, transparent, accommodating, and caring. My son is excited to come for his appointments because he can choose the pattern of his brace and actually help with making his brace. He is so proud of his brace and I believe that motivates him to wear it. He wears his brace 20-21 hours a day and has never complained once – I am amazed by his strength and dedication to adhere to the plan.
Berkley’s Mom

National Scoliosis Center offers a welcoming, family-centered environment with a no-rush, patient-focused approach. Berkley was involved in the pattern selection and fabrication process, which made him invested in ‘his’ brace – giving him a sense of ownership certainly contributed to the tremendous compliance. As time evolves, we continue to have the same great outcome and excitement.
Furthermore, National Scoliosis Center, makes it easy for out-of-town families like us [from Canada] to make an easy and efficient visit in just two days. Plus, the office is so close to Washington, DC and all the sites (Smithsonian, etc…) making the visit so great for young families.
Berkley’s Dad