Michele Beach has been the Office Manager for the National Scoliosis Center in Baltimore since it opened its doors in 2017. She is licensed as a Respiratory Care Practitioner in the State of Maryland with over 20 years of medical care experience. In addition to her time spent in clinical settings, she has obtained experience with both patient education and caregiver training. Michele supervises the Baltimore staff and works with the patients and their families to ensure the treatment process goes as smoothly as possible.
Michele has personal experience with scoliosis, as her daughter has been successfully treated with a Rigo Cheneau brace. She is empathetic toward parents who have difficulty finding definitive answers regarding scoliosis and the best treatment methods, as she was one of those frustrated parents until she visited Luke Stikeleather and the National Scoliosis Center in Fairfax, Va. It is her mission to help patients and their parents better understand the various treatment options and the benefits of non-operative care.