Search Results for schroth

Scoliosis Specific Physical Therapy – The Schroth Method

Schroth Certified Therapy: ,

What is Schroth? How does it differ from regular Physical Therapy? The Schroth method is a conservative physical therapy practice for individuals with scoliosis and kyphosis. This method uses specific exercises and corrective breathing techniques to elongate the trunk and correct the imbalances of the body. The correctional goal is to shape the trunk so … Continued

Hacks for Schroth Physical Therapy at Home

Schroth Certified Therapy:

If you google search “Schroth Physical Therapy,” you will likely see pictures of people doing exercises on these sleek wooden ladder-looking contraptions. They are called Swedish ladders, or stall bars. These ladders are handmade, sturdy, aesthetically pleasing, and perfect for doing Schroth Physical Therapy … and they are $549. Whomp whomp. Swedish ladders are lovely, … Continued

Breathing: A Schroth Manifesto

Schroth Certified Therapy:

22,000. This is roughly how many breaths each of us will take today. THANK GOODNESS this physiologic process is involuntarily controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Can you imagine being responsible for remembering to breathe 22,000 times per day? While we slumber, or while our brains are busy with another task – working, child-rearing, solving … Continued

Schroth-Certified Therapy

The Schroth method of physical therapy uses exercises tailored specifically to each patient’s curves.

Lunch and Learn About Schroth Physical Therapy

Community News:

Last week our team at National Scoliosis Center attended a Lunch & Learn about Schroth physical therapy (a scoliosis-specific type of physical therapy). The featured guest was one of the Schroth experts with whom we collaborate, Caroline Campesi. This Lunch & Learn allowed our team to learn more about Schroth physical therapy and how it helps … Continued

Entrust Your Patients to Us

Unlike most orthotists, we specialize exclusively in scoliosis and spinal conditions that require bracing. Our team takes a holistic approach to treating scoliosis—providing custom braces, low-dose EOS X-ray imaging, collaboration with area Schroth physical therapists (specialized physical therapy for scoliosis patients) and caring for each patient’s overall well-being. Everyone who works in our office has … Continued

Family History of Scoliosis

Success Stories:

My family has a history of scoliosis. I was diagnosed with scoliosis toward the end of elementary school but was not directed to wear a brace. I gave a half-hearted attempt at some of the exercises I was taught but did not stick with them. My brother, who also suffers from scoliosis, had Harrington rods … Continued

I Want to Help Others with Scoliosis

Success Stories:

On November 19, 2015 my life changed because of my diagnosis with scoliosis. I was told that my large curves of 49° thoracic and 44° lumbar would most likely not respond to bracing and that surgery was going to be inevitable. Tears welled in my eyes and a state of shock, confusion, and panic set … Continued